Beth Coleman’s REALITY WAS WHATEVER HAPPENED: OCTAVIA BUTLER AI & OTHER POSSIBLE WORLDS is part of the K..Verlag Processing Processes series. Unfolding at the intersection of the artist monograph, aesthetic manifesto, and solo exhibition, the series celebrates artists’ pathbreaking forays into culture, history, technoscience, ecology, and narrative technique. While focusing on each artist’s singular sites, concerns, media, and practice, the series works to unpack and explore variously situated, site-sensitive, and processual methodologies, to develop and produce provocative, genre-defying research creations that experiment with the book-as-exhibition.

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Web design: Evangeline Y Brooks
OBAI editorial: K. Verlag
OBAI layout: K. Verlag with Wolfgang
Huckel and Katharina Tauer
All images by B. Coleman
Contact: at